February 23, 2025

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Tips For Baby Proofing Your House

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You’ve done the baby shopping, the cot’s here, the piñata looks just like how you pictured it to be. Everything is going to be perfect when your baby comes home. You have selected your theme, color and the name board has arrived and you can’t wait to show your new baby room when guests arrive to see your new born. But there’s one important thing every mother to be misses out. Baby proofing the house. It’s essential that you make your environment baby friendly before getting a playpen or a baby monitor. Why is this necessary? Your baby will not understand the danger of hurting themselves. They are curious and they will try and taste everything. If this is your first baby and you don’t know much about baby proofing your house, here’s a few tips to enlighten you.

Test the safety of the cot

As parents, we naturally feel relieved when we place our kids in the cot thinking it’s the safest place they could be. But sometimes we forget that a toddler’s curiosity has no limits. This is why it’s important to check the safety of the cot. If the rail space in the cot is big then it’s a no. if the child can lift themselves over the cot it cannot be safe anymore. It’s essential that you check the cot before you buy it and see for any kind of flaws that will make your nights long.

Rail the place

You might have a stair or you might not have one and you’re living in a one floor apartment. Nevertheless, every parent needs a railing at home. Your toddler might decide to have their own circus at home and it’s vital that you are prepared for this.

Keeping the place dust free

It’s a nightmare when the mother finds out that their toddlers have eaten things from the floor that they are not supposed to eat. There’s no question about it that the place needs to be spick and span. Even if you have moved to a brand new house make sure that it has a thorough construction cleaning Melbourne before you bring your baby home. There will be debris and dust from all the sawing and cutting. This is hazardous and needs to be taken care of.

The dangers of wires and sockets

The curiosity of babies takes them everywhere. They are most likely to play with wires and sockets. The reason is that it’s easy to grab and play with. If you are building a new space for your baby to play in, mention to the construction cleaner you’ve hired that you require these items to be kept or hidden in a place that your little one won’t be able to reach. Check this website to find out more details.

Medicine dilemma

Pills look like eye candy to little babies and the first thing they do is pop them into the mouth and no one will ever notice. This is a baby proof essential that you must attend to soon after you have your baby. Keep them in a place that they can’t reach and have tight lids on them. Maintaining a household with a newborn is not an easy task. You take your eye off them for one minute and they would disappear off to discover the house on their own. Once you’ve done baby proofing the house, your mind will be at ease knowing that your precious little one is safe at home.

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